So I've already introduced myself as "Anonymous" and I've already explained who and what the organization Anonymous is, but who am I really? I mean, the person behind this mask of a pseudonym. Well, to put it simply, I am a human being who firmly believes in the basic, unequivocal human right for a person to think freely and to his heart's content and to express those thoughts to others in any manner of his choosing. "So, 'Anonymous', if you believe so greatly in free speech, why do you choose to go by that pseudonym? Why don't you go by your real name?" you may ask. The answer to that, my friend, is similarly simple: my right to speak my mind, to support Anonymous, is being grossly violated, just as yours is. Our right to think and speak freely is being restricted by governments worldwide in their attempts to "protect you", i.e. prevent political dissidence. If you disagree with what the government says, my friend, there are serious repercussions. In many nations, political dissidence is equivalent to death; you will be put to death by the government for disagreeing with what they say. Fortunately, in the West, politcal dissidence, particularly during wartime, leads just to censorship and imprisonment. Not that bad, right? Wrong! A government forms a social contract with its citizens, as part of which the government agrees to respect the people's basic human freedoms, to allow for the full expression fo those freedoms. And the freedom to think and speak freely is amongst those unalienable human rights; every person, solely through his or her own existence, has earned that right, and violating it in any way, shape, or form is the greatest thing that a person can do to harm his neighbor, because it demeans them. It makes them sub-human, unequal.
Governments worldwide have done this on an eerily vast level, thus breaking their social contract with their citizens. And when a government violates of its social contract with the people, its citizens not only have the right to, but have an obligation to rise up and replace that government with one that will respect its social contract, that will not violate its citizens' basic human rights, freedoms, and dignity. That was true 235 years ago, when Thomas Jefferson penned it in the Declaration of Independence, and it is most certainly true today. And that is what I, what Anonymous, is fighting for: your right to freedom, your basic human dignity.
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Hello I have been doing a bot of reserch about anonymous and have gotten contradictory opinions as to how to join up with members{ or how to join the group} thus the reason I'm writing this, I would surely love to hear from any and all involved, to contact me my email address is thank you, Che