
Welcome, my friend and fellow citizen of the world, to Think Anonymously! I am Anonymous (and no, that's not my "real" name) and, as that psuedonym suggests, I am a member of the organization known as Anonymous. And just to preemptively answer your impending question, my friend, no, I am not a hacker nor do I have any interest (or the necessary skill) in becoming one. See, that's a common misconception that's being promoted and thrown about in the media: that the members of Anonymous are just a bunch of glasses-wearing, acne-covered dorky teens with some skill in hacking and a little too much free time that, just for the hell of it (a.k.a. "lulz"), break into governmental agencies, multi-billion dollar corporations, and the like. That view of us is completely false (seeing as that would be LulzSec :). And that encompasses my purpose in writing this blog: to get the voice of Anonymous out there, in the public's eye, so that people may be able to hear both sides of Anonymous' story, not the biased, one-sided account reported on by the media.

So, who is Anonymous? Well, to put it simply, we are a group of people, from all around the globe and from all walks of life, who hold two core beliefs above all: we believe, with every fiber of our beings, that all people are equal, and, in that equality, have a few basic, "inalienable rights: ...Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." And, we believe that our right to liberty, to the most basic human freedoms, most especially the right to think freely and to freely express those thoughts in a public or private forum, are being violated by the governments of the world through censorship and espionage.

So, what does Anonymous do about these gross violations of our most basic civil liberties? We fight back. No, not through violence, rebellion, or warfare, but by peacefully doing what we believe, nay, what we know is right! And yes, some of what we may do is illegal, but, like Thoreau, like Gandhi, like King, we believe in nonviolent civil disobedience, the peaceful refusal to obey the law, commands, and orders of the government that we disagree with and feel violate our natural liberties. We believe that man must obey his conscience first, rather than human law.

And so, my friend, are you ready to join the movement to defend your inalienable rights and freedoms from the forces of oppression? If your answered that question with a roaring, defiant "YES!", then read further, take a look at our website and forums at whatis-theplan.org, and see how you can get involved today.

And remember one thing, my friend: change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitablity, but comes through continuous struggle. And so, we must straighten our backs and work, fight for freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent. So, friend, straighten your back, hold your head high, and look forward into the rising sun, towards a better tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Ladies and gentlemen,

This is an address to the people and media outlets of the world. Allow me to share with you a message. What you take from this message is for you to decide, but we must address some important issues at hand as to who we are and what we stand for.

We are simply Anonymous. And before I tell you what Anonymous is, allow me to begin by sharing with you a story of one person who takes the step to becoming Anonymous. This person is neither you nor I, but everyone. It is our brother, our sister, our family, and our friend.

This is their story:

I awoke today much like any other. The alarm, the slight ache nagging in my back, the random ray of light sneaking through the curtain. Today was just like the last and a precursor to tomorrow. Every day was exactly the same. Wake up, coffee, cigarette, get ready, off to work. Spend all day at work dealing with bullshit I could care less about, simply to make a few bucks. Go home, eat, two hours of “me time”, bed. Rinse, repeat.

And this is how today was different. Because today, it hit me. Today I recognized this system for what it is: absolute bullshit.

Today, I identified within myself what life should be, rather than what is simply accepted. But why? Why do so many people become so completely dismissive of that tiny little itch deep within their soul that calls out to them, trying to remind them what this life could be?

Or perhaps I should further emphasize my belief by saying what this life should be. Are we really here to be born into this world, raised as a child and molded into conformity? Taught what it is to be "normal", how to think, what to say, how to live? We begin our young lives with constant indoctrination under the guise of education only to grow up with higher expectations from all the garbage society shoves into our minds.

Our obsession with idols, entertainment, and celebrities has us chasing unattainable wealth and fame until we finally realize that reality is knocking on our door and it's time to put the suit on and get that dream job everyone always talks about.

And why not? Maybe get a nice house in the suburbs, nice car, enough money to live comfortably numb to the world around us. Maybe a nice little dog would do too? Yes. Yes, I think so. And Sony has a new big screen? Why yes, I must have that. Well, right after I get the iPhone 15!

We grow up being told who to be. We become that person and we are told what to buy, what to wear and how to be happy. And if you can't be happy, well, there's drugs to help. Then we get old, maybe buy a home in Florida and then we die.

Is this what we are here for? To be shaped into molds, taught to consume until the day we're put in the ground?

My mind raced: conformity, corruption, apathy, acceptance, oppression, violations of human-rights. Millions of people suffering, starving, struggling. Why? Why does this have to happen? And how is this acceptable?

Corporate big-wigs are living the high life while they rape the land we all share and steal our way of life. Our cultures are polluted by their preachings of capitalism and consumerism.

Do we really even know ourselves anymore? Do you like what you see within yourself? Are you happy with the life you have, the struggle of your daily life and the lives of others around you? Can you honestly justify that simply because things are going well for you at this present time, nothing needs to be done to change this world to end the suffering and struggle of millions? Where has our compassion gone? Where is our passion for life?

Fact: Almost half of the world - over three billion people - live on less than $2.50 a day.

Yes, you read that statistic right: three million people. And at least 80% of humanity lives on less than $10 a day and live in countries where income differentials are widening. 22,000 children die each day due to poverty and 1 billion live in poverty. That's one out of every 2 children in the world.

Fact: The world military expenditure in 2010 is estimated to have reached $1.62 trillion dollars (in US dollars), representing a 50% increase since 2001. This corresponds to 2.6 percent of world GDP, or approximately $236 for each person in the entire world. The United States, with its massive spending budget, is the principal determinant of the current world trend, and, now, at 43% of the world total, accounts for just under half the military expenditures of the entire world.

Fact: The National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project (NPMSRP) was started in March of 2009 as a method of recording and analyzing police misconduct in the United States through the utilization of news media reports to generate statistical and trending information. In general, from April 2009 to June 2010 there were 5,986 reports of misconduct that have been recorded. 382 Fatalities were linked to misconduct. Nearly $350 billion had been spent in related legal settlements and judgments. 23% of the reports for 2010 at the time of presentation were due to excessive force. 10.6% were linked to sexual misconduct. And recently, in Dayton, Ohio, a mentally handicapped boy was beaten, tazed, and arrested by Dayton Police. The lists of injustices and corruption in the world go on and on.

And now I ask again - how have we come to accept this? Simply because that’s the way it is? If we as humans truly do have souls, reason, logic, and compassion, then I know that accepting the unacceptably unjust is far less than acceptable.

Was this a sudden epiphany that burst in my brain, spontaneously igniting receptors and allowing my thought process to comprehend these matters specifically on this day? No, today was different because beginning on this day, I can no longer except this insanity simply because "that's the way it is".

Today, I can see the system before me, it's gears turning, surrounding us from every angle as the machine swallows us whole. Today, I brought my wrench. Today, my heart and soul ignited with the ideas that make me Anonymous.

And on this day, we must set the record straight. Still an individual, I am also many. I am you and you are me. We are one within our cause. Anonymous is not a group, nor is it a membership. Anonymous is merely an idea. The idea of true freedom, a world free of corruption, oppression and tyranny where we can live our lives as we sit fit and truly be ourselves and be accepted for it. An idea that seeks to defend such freedoms and pursue the proper course in the better interest of the people of this planet, rather than cater to the bank accounts of a small percentage of wealthy elite and crooked politicians and government officials. In sharing these ideas and principals, we are all Anonymous.

We are not who we have been portrayed to be. While some who associate themselves as Anonymous may make the personal decision to attack targets through hacking and exploits, being Anonymous does not make you a hacker, nor does it mean that you are a criminal. Being Anonymous simply means that one shares the values and principals of freedom, the defense of it, and the pursuit for it.

We are ordinary people, concerned with the state of this world. We are your neighbors, your friends, your family. We are your mailmen, store clerks, business professionals, veterans and military personnel.

And united as this one idea we call Anonymous, we desire a change. A change that is for once in the better interest of the people of this world.

Through this desire, we have devised what we so simply yet eloquently call "The Plan." "The Plan" consists of three phases occurring over the course of the next year and will continue from there-on. Since the launch on June 15th 2011, we have grown to over 50,000 members strong.

Our actions and passion for our cause speak volumes for the sincere and pure motives of our movement. So, what do we desire? A more promising way of life, free of the constraints society has laid upon us. Free of the division. A world with more transparent governments that work for the people, instead of against them, where police officers are serving the people once again rather than the establishment. A world where we can evolve as a world community, end these senseless wars, and settle our differences with nothing more than true diplomacy. We wish to have less corporate influence in our countries and in our daily lives. We want to see the return of Main Street, and the gradual containment of Wall Street. And most certainly, we desire the ability to control our own economy by removing the powers that have been granted to the world banks and ridding the world of their fiat currencies.

To sum the many ideas we share into one statement: we desire a world that works together as human beings in the best interest of the people, decided by the people rather than a world divided by race and nationality that functions solely for wealth and conquest.

The phases of "The Plan" are broken down ever so simply, and yet complex in their entirety:

Phase One: Assemble. Spread the message and begin educating yourself further on the corruption that takes place within our communities and our world as a whole. Share information and assist each other in developing new ideas for our own lives and our communities to improve the current condition.

Phase Two: Organize. Continue spreading the message and education. Begin reaching out into your own community and building the unity and bond to strengthen the cause in your local areas. Learn what you can do to help others around you. Learn compassion and caring for others and ways you can improve the lives of others. Begin planning ways to address the important issues that stand between our communities and a better way of life.

Phase Three: Mobilize. Our efforts come full circle and we begin to share our dissatisfaction in organized, mass-unison with those who control the current structure of the system. Mass protests, boycotts and other peaceful means of non-compliance will be used to set the message straight that we will no longer participate and tolerate this system of servitude. Our unity will be our stronghold. Our respect and understanding for personal differences will be our foundation. Our cause will be our offensive and our dedication, intelligence and philosophy will be our defense. Change is coming, and we can for once look forward to this change.

United as one. Divided by zero. We are Anonymous. Expect us.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Necessity of Change

The following passage is a comment I read on a news article, "Anonymous Offers 'Preview' of Hacked Italian Police Files", and I was, simply, absolutely inspired by it, inspired to strive for better, on behalf of myself and all of my fellow citizens of Earth. As soon as I read that post I knew, for certain, that what I have been and still am doing on behalf of Anonymous is not only the right course of action, but necessary to ensure that my way of life, and those of my brothers and sisters worldwide, is not further restricted and obliterated. I knew, for certain, that what I am doing is not in vain. So, read on, my friend, and I hope that you too share in this great inspiration:

"I personally feel like our society has been quagmired by the elite and the rich and as such we are on the brink of a social collapse. Our society lacks morals, virtue, ideals, ambition, the only thing we value is greed and power and we do nothing but try to fight our way to the top all in a selfish struggle for the collective "me". The masses are blinded by consumerism and the shiny advertisements and the meaningless words and empty promises spewed forth by the politicians they believe have their best interests at heart, when in reality the politicians are nothing but actors putting on a show so that the truly wealthy can maintain their power and dominance over society.

Even as our economies crumble around us, countries are engaged in wars over resources that should be obsolete if not for the ruling class preventing true scientific pursuit and discovery. Alternative means of energy, new and efficient means of transportation, true research into health and medicine all being blocked by the greed of companies that hold all the money, all the power and use it to distort and distract us from the truth. Pharmaceuticals pushing more and more drugs on you, not for their medical benefits, but for the profit they reap from your perceived illnesses. Energy independence is achievable, extremely fuel efficient cars, even cars that run on hydrogen or electricity are not technological myths but are achievable, they exist now right this very second and are completely doable with our current technology and are more then cost efficient to design and manufacture, yet there is no demand for them, no ambition to do better, to truly be efficient, no drive to truly push the boundaries of human ingenuity all because there is wealth and power invested in our current infrastructure and to destabilize that with new innovations would mean a potential shift in power for the elite, and they must stop that at all costs.

Why is our society obsessed with meaningless gadgets and products that do nothing to improve our lives, why are we still using dial up and cable internet when you can have networks that have speeds that exceed 70GB/sec transmission rates. When did society become complacent and satisfied with mediocrity, when did we instill these beliefs into our children, our future generations that the status quo is what you should expect and that to want more is asking too much. When did our governments become so corrupt and self absorbed that they no longer debate real issues, that they no longer follow through on promises, that they only worry about protecting their personal investments and being reelected rather then upholding the values of their country and acting as a true leader.

I ask myself this everyday and i ask you the same, why should we accept the status quo and not strive for more when we are capable of so much more as a whole, why should we live in countries whose leaders refuse to make the changes necessary to truly revitalize your countries economy, its infrastructure and push it and its people towards a brighter tomorrow.

I believe Anonymous is striving for something similar and i completely support their efforts to maintain a truly open and free society and its astonishing that the public paints them as these cyber criminals and terrorists because they question the government and corporations actions despite having time and time again proven that corporations and governments are hiding the truth from you and are not looking after your best interests, whether it be security of private and sensitive information, or their corrupt means and illegal activities that abuse their power and take advantage of the powerless."

My friend, change is not only necesary in this great universe of ours, but the only constant that exists in it. People, places, things - they all come and go. Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past of present are certain to miss the future.

So, my friend, I urge you, be the change for a better tomorrow; if not for the brothers and sisters with which you share this world, then for you sons and your daughters, your children, and you're children's children, and for their children, and for your descendants from here until eternity. Will you stand aside while their lives, which won't begin for decades, centuries, millenia, are decimated now? Will you watch blandly as their basic freedoms and liberties, their natural-born human dignity, is restricted and torn apart today? Or will you be the change, for a better tomorrow, for a better humanity?

Monday, July 25, 2011

American Lockdown: The Eroding Away of Our Freedom

So, my friend, why does Anonymous fear for the restricting of people's freedom, the devolution of the basic civil liberties our ancestors fought tirelessly for generations to establish? Well, things like this should give you a clue. The following film, entitled Camp FEMA: American Lockdown, should give you a little bit of an idea. In short, it takes a look into into the plans and procedures in place by the government for declaring martial law, particularly through the investigation of new law enforcement "fusion centers" that may be in control of rumored internment camps for rounding up U.S. citizens who are deemed a threat to national security. Frightening, right? Damn right.

Now, I know that many of you do not have the time at hand to watch this hour-and-a-half long film, and, as such, to provide with you a brief summary of the film, the movie's trailer is located directly above the film (e.g., right beneath this post, so the clip of the trailer comes immediately after this paragraph, followed by the movie in full).

Now, although there is extensive evidence suggesting that this is the case, that the United States of America has made preparations, including the construction of internment and concentration camps for its own citizens, for establishing martial law, I am, by no means, advocating any sort of conspiracy theory. Yet, the fact remains: the Constitutional rights of the American citizenry have been vastly eroded over time, just as a swiftly-moving river rapidly bears down and away the rock that surrounds it. And ultimately, once enough of the rock has been born down, the river floods. And, that, my friend, is why we must stop the erosion of our basic human liberties, of our Constitutional rights. We must dam up the river that erodes our natural-born freedoms and, through that course of action, then and only then can we prevent the United States and nations worldwide from turning into the totalitarian nightmares that we all so immensely fear.

My friend, the bedrock is wearing thin. Time is short if we wish to keep the river from overflowing its banks and flooding the nearby lands. Will you join in the construction of the dam? Will you fight to save your basic rights, freedoms, and liberties? Or will you lay down and wait, wait for waters to crash over you, wait to drown?

Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Plan

My friend, while taking a look at both this blog and the Anonymous forums at www.whatis-theplan.org, you probably have come across the term "The Plan". So, what is this plan? Well, to fully understand The Plan and the purpose that it serves, it's best to first acquaint yourself with Anonymous. Now, the question is not "Who is Anonymous?" for we are all brothers and sisters of one single idea; rather, the question is "What is Anonymous?" Anonymous is a collective of people across the world who, despite their common differences in opinion and beliefs, unite under one common desire for true freedom and a world rid of oppression and corruption.

While it is common misconception that being Anonymous requires concealing one's identity, this is simply not the case. Identity doesn't matter to a member of Anonymous. While some who practice online activist acts ("hacktivism") may certainly desire to keep their true identity secret for security purposes, many members of Anonymous understand that who they are does not matter, so much as what that they stand for. In Anonymous, there are no leaders, no figure-heads, no designated spokesmen...as each of us are all of these things in our own right. We have taken the initiative to rise to the occasion and stand firm against the oppressive and destructive forces that have laid waste to our world and devastated our way of life.

In Anonymous, you may witness some disagreements, perhaps the occasional argument; after all, we are only human. But one thing that you definitively notice is the common and shared goal of all : freedom and a desire for change. In this we practice the ways of a hive-mind. Each of us, by contributing ideas and information and with others acting upon it, all in simultaneous fashion, enables the further growth of Anonymous. And as our community grows, so too does our ability to reach others.And, my friend, one thing is certain: for while we are all individuals in our own right, the idea that is Anonymous is unstoppable. As the old saying goes, "You can kill a man, but never an idea."

So, what is The Plan? "The Plan" is a 1 year, 3-phase process to organize and rally people worldwide to the cause of freedom. A better world is our objective, free of corporate rule via a corrupted system, free of tyrannical and oppressive governments violating the rights of the people.

The Plan is simple: educate yourself and better your own quality of life as you spread the message of freedom and hope for a better world to the masses. Rally the support of others and help not only yourself, but the masses free themselves from the constraints of a corrupted system and live a more quality life.

Each phase will explain the progress and current focus as they are initiated. Phase 1 began a little more than a month ago, on  June 15th, 2011. Phase 2, the expansion and escalation of Phase 1, will have a far more collective focus, while Phase 3 will bring the people of The Plan to action across the globe. The people will be heard.

Many have asked why the Phases are not disclosed upfront. The answer, quite honestly, is this: while the basis of The Plan is structured and drawn out, nothing is set in stone. Plans can be remedied and re-written as the community grows and ideas are shared for the future of The Plan. This entire movement is dependent on the community and the progress and contributions of each individual member. While we are weak as individuals, as a whole we are a force to be reckoned with. And this will only increase as time passes and The Plan begins to take hold.

So, my friend, get on the bandwagon, come along for the ride. Join the cause of freedom and fight for our ancestors collectively dreamed for and worked towards: true, unbridled freedom for all Man.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Thank You

My friend, I would just like to briefly thank you for reading this blog and for trying to learn more about the idea that is Anonymous: that every single human being has a core contingent of inalienable rights that must be observed by his fellow persons. Exactly 48 hours ago, this blog was created to help share that purpose, to help improve the lives of human beings worldwide, by ensuring that the natural-born rights that they deserve are given to them. In the two days since, nearly 400 individuals have read this blog, 97 of which have shared it to others. My friend, thank you for having read and having shared this blog, and for having continued to show the world the truth. However, I must ask something of you, besides continuing to read further. I ask for some feedback on how to improve this blog and what other topics I can cover. In addition, if anyone is interested in contributing a post for the blog, I encourage you to let me know. The more the merrier, as the ol' adage goes! Thank you again, my friend.

The Myth of Free Speech

In England, there has been a long-prevalent belief, widely held amongst the general population, that the public enjoys a little something called "free speech." To compound this, the citizens of the United Kingdom believe that the English Bill of Rights of 1688 guarantees this freedom.
Freedom of speech, the right to speak one’s mind without fear of censorship, without fear of punishment from the Queen, the State, the courts, the police, or, for that matter, any other citizen, is not a right assured to the general populace. Article 9 of the Bill of Rights only grants this basic human right to Members of the House of Commons. Ladies and gentlemen of the United Kingdom, you do not have the right to free speech. We are still stuck in the Dark Ages, where members of the ruling class, those of royal and noble heritage, hold rights and privileges that the people, through their very existence, have earned.
So what kind of freedom of speech does the public have if it is not what they suppose it to be? For an answer to that question, one should turn to a long-time Member of Parliament by the name of Charles Fox. A member of the Whig Party, Fox’s Parliamentary career, considered to be one of the most in history, lasted for over 38 years. On November 25, 1795, just like any other day, a bill was introduced into Parliament. But, unlike any other bill, this one, entitled the "Treason and Sedition Act," attempted to place even further restrictions on free speech, Fox spoke against it, making the case for the unequivocal right of man to speak his mind freely. It is in the first paragraph that we find a description of the freedom allowed to the public then and now.
"Our Government is valuable, because it is free. What, I beg gentlemen to ask themselves, are the fundamental parts of a free Government? I know there is a difference of opinion on this subject. My own opinion is, that freedom does not depend upon the executive government, nor upon the administration of justice, not upon any one particular or distinct part, nor even upon forms so much as it does on the general freedom of speech and of writing. With regard to freedom of speech the bill before the House is a direct attack upon that freedom. No man dreads the use of a universal proposition more than I do myself. I must nevertheless say, that speech ought to be completely free, without any restraint whatever, in any government pretending to be free. By being completely free, I do not mean that a person should not be liable to punishment for abusing that freedom, but I mean freedom in the first instance, The press is so at present, and I rejoice it is so; what I mean is, that any man may write and print what he pleases, although he is liable to be punished, if he abuses that freedom; this I call perfect freedom in the first instance."
This, my friend, is the "freedom of speech" that the British public has enjoyed before and since then. Not the perfect freedom granted only to Parliamentarians, but a qualified freedom, a restricted freedom. Free speech isn't for the public. You only have as much freedom as the government gives you.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Who I Am

So I've already introduced myself as "Anonymous" and I've already explained who and what the organization Anonymous is, but who am I really? I mean, the person behind this mask of a pseudonym. Well, to put it simply, I am a human being who firmly believes in the basic, unequivocal human right for a person to think freely and to his heart's content and to express those thoughts to others in any manner of his choosing. "So, 'Anonymous', if you believe so greatly in free speech, why do you choose to go by that pseudonym? Why don't you go by your real name?" you may ask. The answer to that, my friend, is similarly simple: my right to speak my mind, to support Anonymous, is being grossly violated, just as yours is. Our right to think and speak freely is being restricted by governments worldwide in their attempts to "protect you", i.e. prevent political dissidence. If you disagree with what the government says, my friend, there are serious repercussions. In many nations, political dissidence is equivalent to death; you will be put to death by the government for disagreeing with what they say. Fortunately, in the West, politcal dissidence, particularly during wartime, leads just to censorship and imprisonment. Not that bad, right? Wrong! A government forms a social contract with its citizens, as part of which the government agrees to respect the people's basic human freedoms, to allow for the full expression fo those freedoms. And the freedom to think and speak freely is amongst those unalienable human rights; every person, solely through his or her own existence, has earned that right, and violating it in any way, shape, or form is the greatest thing that a person can do to harm his neighbor, because it demeans them. It makes them sub-human, unequal.

Governments worldwide have done this on an eerily vast level, thus breaking their social contract with their citizens. And when a government violates of its social contract with the people, its citizens not only have the right to, but have an obligation to rise up and replace that government with one that will respect its social contract, that will not violate its citizens' basic human rights, freedoms, and dignity. That was true 235 years ago, when Thomas Jefferson penned it in the Declaration of Independence, and it is most certainly true today. And that is what I, what Anonymous, is fighting for: your right to freedom, your basic human dignity.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Welcome, my friend and fellow citizen of the world, to Think Anonymously! I am Anonymous (and no, that's not my "real" name) and, as that psuedonym suggests, I am a member of the organization known as Anonymous. And just to preemptively answer your impending question, my friend, no, I am not a hacker nor do I have any interest (or the necessary skill) in becoming one. See, that's a common misconception that's being promoted and thrown about in the media: that the members of Anonymous are just a bunch of glasses-wearing, acne-covered dorky teens with some skill in hacking and a little too much free time that, just for the hell of it (a.k.a. "lulz"), break into governmental agencies, multi-billion dollar corporations, and the like. That view of us is completely false (seeing as that would be LulzSec :). And that encompasses my purpose in writing this blog: to get the voice of Anonymous out there, in the public's eye, so that people may be able to hear both sides of Anonymous' story, not the biased, one-sided account reported on by the media.

So, who is Anonymous? Well, to put it simply, we are a group of people, from all around the globe and from all walks of life, who hold two core beliefs above all: we believe, with every fiber of our beings, that all people are equal, and, in that equality, have a few basic, "inalienable rights: ...Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." And, we believe that our right to liberty, to the most basic human freedoms, most especially the right to think freely and to freely express those thoughts in a public or private forum, are being violated by the governments of the world through censorship and espionage.

So, what does Anonymous do about these gross violations of our most basic civil liberties? We fight back. No, not through violence, rebellion, or warfare, but by peacefully doing what we believe, nay, what we know is right! And yes, some of what we may do is illegal, but, like Thoreau, like Gandhi, like King, we believe in nonviolent civil disobedience, the peaceful refusal to obey the law, commands, and orders of the government that we disagree with and feel violate our natural liberties. We believe that man must obey his conscience first, rather than human law.

And so, my friend, are you ready to join the movement to defend your inalienable rights and freedoms from the forces of oppression? If your answered that question with a roaring, defiant "YES!", then read further, take a look at our website and forums at whatis-theplan.org, and see how you can get involved today.

And remember one thing, my friend: change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitablity, but comes through continuous struggle. And so, we must straighten our backs and work, fight for freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent. So, friend, straighten your back, hold your head high, and look forward into the rising sun, towards a better tomorrow.